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Hapkido, meaning the way of coordinated power, is primarily a self defense art. It focuses on joint locks and joint manipulation in order to change the balance of an attacker. The art was derived from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu by instructor Grandmaster Yong-Sool Choi (최용술).​

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What will you learn?

Hapkido can be very different based on the location and teacher you are learning under. It is primarily a self defense art with focus on joint locking and manipulation. Practitioners learn how to redirect and attack in order to incapacitate and escape dangerous situations. 

Cultural Origin

Hapkido is a Korean martial arts. 

The art was derived from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu by instructor Yong-Sool Choi (최용술).


The name of the art can be broken down to better understand it's purpose and meaning:

Hap = Harmony
Ki = Power
Do = Way or Path

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